realize a dream

美 [ˈriːəlaɪz ə driːm]英 [ˈriːəlaɪz ə driːm]
  • 实现梦想;使梦想成真
realize a dreamrealize a dream
  1. It helped me realize a dream of another weaving .


  2. They risk their lives to realize a dream , and that dream is as simple as having a decent job somewhere so they can send money home and help the family , which has helped them before .


  3. Thus were born the rumors about the 20 statements plastered on the walls of Harvard 's library . The statements were said to include : " If you sleep now , you will have a dream , but if you study now , you will realize a dream " ;


  4. Help me , break destiny , get happiness , realize a fond dream .


  5. Soon after the publication of her diary , de Jesus was able to realize a long-held dream of moving her family out of the favela .


  6. Have you guys ever had a dream where you realize that it is a dream , so you actually wake yourself up or aware of every decision you make in your dream ?


  7. Let the QQ more posts ensue . I 'd love to see this thread stay constructive but I 've been on the forums too long to realize that it is a dream .


  8. It is a worldwide fashion for scientists and researchers to study and develop a new technology named WBMCS ( wireless wideband multimedia communication system ) which melts Internet technology and mobile communication technology . It can help human to realize a true global village dream .
